Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Class Schedule

And Shelly has worked her magic again: my class schedule is here, it comes complete with textbooks for the students and the teacher (me).

(this schedule starts next Thursday, September 11th)

- I teach 15 periods/week of Conversational English, (1 period = 45 minutes)
- These 15 periods are divided into 6 two-period classes in Oujiang College (瓯江学院), and 1 three-period class in the Foreign Language College (外语学院)
- The Oujiang classes are 8:10-9:50 and 10:10-11:50, Mondays, Thursdays and Fridays
- The Foreign Language class starts at 18:30, Tuesdays evenings

All the Oujiang classes are Freshman, the Foreign Language class is Sophomores.

And as an added bonus, I get an office: Building No. 7, Rm 1308A (I share it with the American Culture teacher).